GAUSS Career Blog

Career Information and Announcements

Workshop: “Leadership Skills for Scientists”, 22-23 Sept 2022


We are happy to announce our next GAUSS Career Service workshop “Leadership Skills for Scientists” by Dr. Alexander Britz.

Advancing as a scientist, both out- as well as inside academia, comes with increased leadership responsibilities. In this interactive workshop the participants learn the essential leadership skills which are necessary to be successful as a PhD student or Postdoc and to later facilitate a successful transition to a senior position at a research institution or the dream job outside academia.

Dates: 22-23 September 2022
Duration: 9:00-16:30h on both days
Location: GZMB building, large seminar room 0.232, ground floor, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11 (map)
Trainer: Dr. Alexander Britz

Registration: Please register here and send an email to including a short statement on your motivation to attend the workshop.

Workshop description:

Effective leadership requires authenticity and starts with the leader itself. Therefore, we initiate the workshop with a series of self-management and self-leadership activities. In team scenarios, emotional intelligence is a key leadership capability. By bringing awareness to this, and through breakout sessions in which we practice changing the perspective, we increase our level of empathy. The participants further learn about the distinct leadership styles with their advantages and drawbacks, and we
discuss how situational leadership can be applied. Clear and precise communication is another vital leadership skill, which we train in supervisor-supervisee role plays. Next to practicing “traditional” top-down leadership, the participants get acquainted with bottom-up leadership through these activities. Finally, we practice additional leadership and communication skills such as self-presentation, networking, pitching and storytelling techniques. To conclude the workshop, the group reflects on the essential traits of “a good leader”.

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