We are constantly expanding our offers and try to react on your needs. However, not every topic is addressed. For those of you who are interested in science-related topics on which we do not offer something (at the moment or so far), here some hints to trainings offered by external providers:
EMBO Laboratory Management Course
Despite they are expensive (€ 1,850.00), they are very requested. Consequently, at the moment, free slots only are available for a training specifically addressing female leaders in science.
ReMaT | Research Management Training
The next one is mid of September in Hamburg. The participation fee is 450 €.
Workshops of the Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
Those workshops are so far only offered in German. However, they are offering quite a broad range of topics including preparation for application to professorships in Germany. Participation fees vary between 200 and 400 € per workshop day – they differ between members of the DHV and non-members.