The Career Directory 2013 includes 8 employer profiles and information on positions they offer. Besides, 4 articles provide general tips and advice on job searching, namely “interview intangibles”, “resume wisdom”, “writing a winning cover letter”, and “job search essentials”. All articles give a few tips on two to three pages. In the fourth article on “job search essentials”, you find four lists of questions: “questions to ask yourself”, “questions you might be asked in an interview”, “questions to ask in an informational interview”, and “questions to ask at an interview”.
You do not know what an “informational interview” is? Informational interviews can help you figuring out information about career options and possible jobs by asking people already working in relevant fields. You might find them by search for alumnae from your current institution, for example, in business online networks such as LinkedIn (for international contacts) and XING (mainly for German contacts). For example, the XING group of the University of Göttingen has nearly 10.000 members by now.