We are happy to announce the workshop “Exploring the Unknown – The Company World” with Barbara Hoffbauer.
For the duration of the workshop we offer child care services supported by the equal opportunities office with trained personnel to supervise your kids. Please inform us by 14 September, at the latest, if you have demand for such a service (including number and age of kids).
Target group: Junior researchers who are currently applying or plan to apply soon to positions in Industry
Goal: Getting to know the departments and their functions in a company and reflect about whether related jobs fit to you
Dates: Friday, 30 September 2016 (9-17 h) and Monday, 24 October 2016 (12:30-16:30 h)
Duration: 1 + 0.5 days
Place: GZMB building, seminar room -1.105
Trainer: Barbara Hoffbauer
Registration: Please register here and write an email to ggnb-career@gwdg.de, including a short statement on your motivation to join the workshop.
Detailed Description: PhD students and postdocs with a background in natural and social sciences are usually not educated in economic thinking. Sometimes they do not know how enterprises create values. Often they have no idea what different departments contribute to the company’s economic success. This lack of knowledge makes them feel insecure about their opportunities in fields aside from research and development. That is the reason why their applications are often not convincing. In this course, participants will learn about different roles and tasks in enterprises and how employees in different departments interact and depend on each other. Playing different roles enables participants to realize for themselves what is the most fun and what fits best to them.