GAUSS Career Blog

Career Information and Announcements

You consider founding your own business? The PEP program offers insights and support!


If you think about founding your own business, by now or in the future, the “Professors as Entrepreneurship Promoters – Founding Promotion in the Research Alliance Context” (PEP) program offers different forms of support. Moreover, you do not need to travel a long way as a couple of events take place in Göttingen. The only condition is that you are researcher at a Max-Planck or Helmholtz institute.

“Promoted by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the creation and support of promoter structures for foundings is to be tested in the scope of a pilot project (21 months) in focus regions (Cologne-Bonn-Aachen, Göttingen-Hanover-Braunschweig and Magdeburg-Halle) for members and institutes of the research alliance (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft). Establishing of an entrepreneurship culture, acquisition of professors as promoters, support of spin-off projects by promoters and establishing cooperations with the economy, the regional environment, other research centers and universities are to be intensified. With the promoters’ program, complex and innovative corporate foundings are to be promoted that are often internationally aligned and comprehensively linked early on.

The general objective of the PEP promoters’ project is in inspiring a larger number and higher quality level of corporate foundings in the scientific facilities of MPG and HELMHOLTZ that are involved and to support a dynamically growing founding science (“Entrepreneurship-Ecosystem“) in the respective institutes’ sites by improving framework conditions. The spin-offs are to be supported by promotion of Professor Promoters on the different organizational and networking levels. The institute directors, research and department managers are of decisive importance for the initiation of founding projects according to the latest insights of founding research. With development of a founding infrastructure and support of specific founding projects by the institutions, departments and facilities, as well as the transfer facilities of the parent, the founding culture is expected to improve clearly. Supplementarily, inclusion of adjacent research facilities, companies from the region and public business and founding promotion institutions into the founding initiative are to create elements of an Entrepreneurship-Ecosystem that permits founding-related cooperation between scientists, entrepreneurs, technology-based founding companies and research alliance facilities. A higher quality level of the foundings is to be achieved by optimization of the technology-based spin-offs. For this, the founders, their founding concepts and business models are to be strengthened at the earliest possible point of time by using promoters.”

For more details, visit the program webpage:

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Author: Katrin Wodzicki

Hi, I am Katrin, the coordinator of the GGNB Career Service Unit.

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