Could you write about your research in a way a wider public can understand what you are researching? In German? The Klaus Tschira Stiftung is searching for junior researchers who are doing excellent research and write comprehensibly about it.
The Klaus Tschira Preis für verständliche Wissenschaft KlarText! Is giving to researchers from biology, chemistry, computer sciences, mathematics, neurosciences, and physics. When you did you PhD in one of these fields in 2013 and want to write an article about your work in a popluar scientific way, apply for the Klaus Tschira Preis für verständliche Wissenschaft 2014. The best articles will be awarded with 5000 Euro and published in a special edition of the magazine bild der wissenschaft. The prize is announced annually, each year for junior researchers who did their PhD the year before.
Next Deadline: 28 February 2014
More information about the competition and the foundation are available here.
For those of you who want to improve their writing or general communication skills addressing a wider public (in German), workshops offered by the Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation might be interesting.