GAUSS Career Blog

Career Information and Announcements

Career Impulse Session on How to Successfully Lead Diverse Teams, 1 July 2014


Well-managed diverse teams and start-ups show significantly better performance and profits as compared to homogeneous teams. More and more organizations, private and public, are striving to achieve the goal of creating efficient teams with equal gender representations.

See for example, Deutsche Telekom and Siemens implementing equal opportunity agreements and strategies.

These initiatives include that team leaders and managers are requested to employ women and men fifty-fifty. Hence, if unequal gender participation persists, team leaders and managers have to deal with the reasons, in the hiring process as well as in daily work. If we want to exploit the full potential of diverse teams and manage them effectively, we need to understand where gender differences in career development come from.

If you consider becoming a principle investigator, team leader or manager or just wonder how to manage diverse teams, we invite you to our next Career Impulse Session. Therein, we would like to facilitate small group discussions between female and male participants to highlight gender inequality at the workplace and elaborate internal and external barriers. Thereby, we would like to initiate a dialogue on how we can face gender differences and overcome them together, resulting in opportunities for action for everyone.

Date: Tuesday, 1 July 2014, 15:00-17:00 o’clock

Place: GZMB, seminar room 0.232

Duration: 1.5 hours + 0.5 hour for open networking

For organizational reasons, please write me an email (, if you consider taking part. Thanks!

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Author: Katrin Wodzicki

Hi, I am Katrin, the coordinator of the GGNB Career Service Unit.

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