GAUSS Career Blog

Career Information and Announcements

Build valuable skills by taking action!


One way to acquire or consolidate skills is taking part in workshops. Another – in some way even more effective way – is taking action in which a skill is needed. Project management, for example, is part of organizing a conference, a workshop or another event. Networking can be trained by taking responsibility for speakers and guests during events. When organizing a bigger event together, even team and leadership skills are challenged.

All these skills are valuable for your work as researcher. Moreover, they are considered as transferable skills. That means that also potential employers outside academia will value them. Recruiters want to see that you proved your skills in specific tasks; they will ask you about examples; they will ask you about specific situations and how you handled them.

If you are interested in building your transferable skills and do not find a chance in your current working environment, you can make use of the support and resources of the GGNB Career Service Unit. Contact me to find out about chances! You may even have some first ideas!

Furthermore, the organization of the next Women’s Careers and Networks Symposium – which will take place in autumn 2014 – is starting in September 2013. The organizing team is even support by a course on project management and fundraising. More information is available here.

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Author: Katrin Wodzicki

Hi, I am Katrin, the coordinator of the GGNB Career Service Unit.

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