GAUSS Career Blog

Career Information and Announcements

Preparation For The Career Impulse Session: Speed Networking Among Postdocs


According to the doodle survey among postdocs interested in our speed networking session, the following date fit to the most:

Wednesday, 4 December, 16:00 – 17:30 (plus 30 minutes for further open networking)

Place: GZMB, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11, seminar room 0.232 (basement)

If you are (still) interested in taking part in the session, send me one PowerPoint slide on which you introduce yourself: Please include, at least, information about (1) the expertise and skills you have to offer, (2) what you are looking for during the networking session, (3) a rough idea of your career plan, and (4) contact details. Everything else is up to you! You can include further information about yourself as well as design your slide, for example, by including graphics or pictures.

Deadline:  27 November 2013

All slides will be merged to the participants’ information distributed during the session.

During the session, you will have 45 seconds to tell about yourself while your slide is shown. So be prepared therefore!

As networking is long-term process and establishing connections requires meeting more than once, we invite you to suggest topics and ideas for further networking events. Then, an initiative for the next meeting could already be started during our next session.

Kind regards,

Bernhard, Ingrid, Jaffer, Manu and Katrin

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Author: Katrin Wodzicki

Hi, I am Katrin, the coordinator of the GGNB Career Service Unit.

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